
  1. Bullet    All sessions need to be pre booked & are by appointment only.

  2. Bullet    All sessions are 45 minutes in duration.  Cranial treatments are variable.

  3. Bullet    Premier Clinic offers extended opening hours to suit your needs. If you require an appointment before
            or after work, we can accommodate you.

Call Premier Clinic for an appointment on (087) 742 2451.

  1. Bullet    If you cannot keep your appointment, please contact us as soon as possible.

  2. Bullet    We realise that sometimes emergencies come up & plans may change.

  3. Bullet    When you call, we will help you reschedule your appointment to best serve your needs.

  4. Bullet    Giving us as much notice as possible helps us to better serve you & our other patients.

  5. Bullet    Frequently missed appointments may delay your recovery & can turn a simple injury into a
            chronic problem, requiring more treatment & longer recovery time.