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Address :

                Premier Clinic

                The Village, Causeway, Tralee, Co. Kerry

Tel : (087) 742 2451

Email Us :


Appointments can be made between 9am and 5pm Mon - Friday.

Opening Hours:

  1. Monday 9am - 8pm

  2. Tuesday 9am - 4pm

  3. Wednesday 9am - 8pm

  4. Thursday 2pm - 8pm

  5. Friday 9am - 7pm

  6. Saturday 9am - 12pm

Flexible opening hours

Emergency, lunch, early, late & weekend appointments available. Phone Premier Clinic on (087) 742 2451 to help us facilitate your needs.

Premier Clinic   |   Tel: 087 742 2451

The Village, Causeway, Tralee, Co. Kerry